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Latest Reads | Taylor Jenkins, Jennifer Ryan, Louisa M Alcott

Looking for something to read? Here are the reviews of my latest reads: the novels by Taylor Jenkins, Jennifer Ryan, and Louisa May Alcott.

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Evelyn Hugo“The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Evelyn Hugo is a famous actress who has achieved great success throughou12t her career. Now retired, she decides it’s a good time to share her true story with a rookie journalist. Luxuries, lies, sacrifices, successes, triumphs, and failures shape the story of one of the most desired women in the entertainment world.


When Monique receives the news that Hollywood icon Evelyn Hugo wants her to tell the true story of her life, she can’t believe it. She’s not a well-known journalist, nor has she written any major stories, so why her? The journalist has to make an important decision: to be true to her job or to herself; choosing the latter may be the most beneficial for her career, so she agrees to interview the actress and be responsible for her biography.


This novel was on my wishlist recommended by the writer Jesús Carnerero and the person in charge of the blog “Escaparate literario”. At first, I wasn’t sure if the story would suit me, but I have to admit that it has been a complete success. It has been a reading that I have enjoyed a lot, not only because of the narrative style but also because of the subthemes it touches upon. “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” is not just the story of the loves and heartbreaks of an actress who did everything in her power to achieve success; it is a story of struggle, sacrifice, and reflection. Does the end justify the means? Is success the path to happiness? Are we obligated to choose between love and the dreams we have fought for?

I must also highlight the contrast in characters of the two protagonists. While Evelyn shows strength, cunning, and dynamism, Monique is like a puppy you want to take care of and hug, but who evolves thanks to the conversations she has with the actress. This also leads me to emphasize the importance of listening to the stories of our elders as life lessons.

A novel that I read almost in one day where I enjoyed, judged, cried, and reflected with the incredible Evelyn Hugo. Available on Amazon.

The Kitchen Front“The Kitchen Front” by Jennifer Ryan

In a wartime setting, while the world is in crisis and life is reduced to surviving by being resourceful, the BBC decides to organize a contest to uplift the country and support its propaganda on rationing. What seems like a show for bored housewives becomes an important resource for achieving a better life. Four women, completely different from each other, put their strength and enthusiasm into preparing the best dishes to achieve the great victory: to be the co-host on a radio program.


Sometimes one gives opportunities to novels and doesn’t quite know why. Maybe it was the title, the cover, or the expectations after reading the synopsis, but here it is. I have to admit that a large part of the novel was quite tedious and boring; as it focused too much on the dishes, the recipes, and too little on the protagonists whose stories, differences, and experiences gave me the impression that they were more of a side dish when, for my taste, they should have been the main focus. Fortunately, the novel takes a turn and the women in the story become more relevant, making me want to know more about their future.


I’m not quite sure about my feelings towards this novel. I wanted to stop reading it several times, and although the last half is quite interesting, I have to confess that I skipped the recipes that accompany each chapter, and overall, I found it quite difficult to finish.

Each of the protagonists portrays a different type of woman, and it is these differences that make them an interesting group. Perhaps that’s why I felt that their experiences should have been delved into more deeply and that what should have been just a thread did not take up so much prominence. However, I loved the last part and the ending. And, as I said, I would have liked to know more. Available on Amazon

Little Women“Little women” by Louisa M. Alcott

Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. The March sisters. A classic that the author wrote based on herself and her three sisters. The novel tells the life of the four March sisters. Four completely different women whom we accompany from their adolescence to their adult stage. Loves, heartbreaks, hopes, and fears.

By the way… how beautiful cover!


This very famous novel has been brought to the big screen countless times. These are the ones that I have seen and enjoyed:

1949. ‘Little Women’ (Mervyn LeRoy). Amy was played by a very young Elizabeth Taylor.
1994. ‘Little Women’ (Gillian Armstrong). With well-known faces like Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon.
2019. ‘Little Women’ (Greta Gerwig). Here, Meg was portrayed by Emma Watson.

When you see the movie first and then read the novel, sometimes it’s inevitable to picture some of the actresses; and thus, an internal struggle arises between which is better, the book or the movie.

In this case, I must say that the March sisters, each in her own style and with her own ambitions and stories, have always conquered me; however, the moral speeches that the author includes in the book seemed a bit tedious to me. The device of Marmee, the mother of the girls, to guide and introduce morals and teachings seemed very useful and enjoyable, completely different when the author addressed the reader and broke the line between reader and narrator.


Regarding the characters of the sisters, I found Jo’s breaking of stereotypes and making her own decisions, her creativity, and impulsiveness very attractive; while I consider Beth a secondary character who lives in the shadow most of the time, and when she appears, it’s to break our hearts. Meg is a woman of her time, doing what is expected of her with the exception of adapting to the style and education her family has instilled in her. I detested Amy in the movies, and yet, in the novel, I believe she is the one who evolves and grows the most throughout the story. I must point out that in the movies, I couldn’t quite understand the love that leads Amy to the altar, but in the novel, the author clears any doubts.

Regarding the other characters, I think Laurie was in love with the March family, and in one way or another, he wanted to be part of that family. I’m not saying his feelings weren’t sincere, but his first and true love was the March family. On the other hand, I would have liked Aunt March, since she is mentioned so much, to have had more prominence; and I must say that Laurie’s grandfather is an endearing character that I enjoyed.

In conclusion, it’s a great story with certain gaps and a classic style that can be somewhat dull at times, but it allows us to know the sisters in greater depth. Available on Amazon

*Nota- Os dejo una valoración de mis últimas lecturas. Mis opiniones, como tales, son totalmente subjetivas (mis gustos, mis manías). En ningún momento con intención de desprestigiar ni herir a sus autores.
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Técnica en Marketing Internacional. Graduada en Trabajo Social. Orientadora laboral y profesora de español titulada. Autora de ficción. Blogueando desde 2011. Última novela: LA JOYA DE ILLINOIS.

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